Garud-(Quinalphose 20% + cyper 5%)
NOMENCLATURE Common name quinalphos (BSI, E-ISO, (m) F-ISO); chinalphos ((m) France)
IUPAC name O,O-diethyl O-quinoxalin-2-yl phosphorothioate
Chemical Abstracts name O,O-diethyl O-2-quinoxalinyl phosphorothioate
CAS RN [13593-03-8] EEC no. 237-031-6 Development codes Bay 77 049 (Bayer); SAN 6538; SAN 6626 (both Sandoz) Official codes ENT 27 394
Applications: Mode of action Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Acts on the central and peripheral nervous system in very low doses. Uses Control of a wide range of chewing and sucking insects (particularly Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hemiptera) in fruit (including citrus), vegetables, vines, cereals, maize, beet, oilseed rape, potatoes, cotton, rice, soya beans, forestry, and other crops. Control of cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, and other insect pests in public health; and flies in animal houses. Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.